Thu, 21 Nov 2024 17:13:16 CST | login

Packages starting with "f"

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | all
Packages 1 through 50 of 151 >>>
ID Name ascending sort
5182 FAudio
5606 FoXlibf
5683 f2c
10882 f2fs-tools
6131 f3
335 fabtests
9363 fail2ban
4303 fakechroot
336 fakeroot
4252 fancontrol-gui
3545 fann
11230 fapg
337 fapolicyd
4798 farstream02
6048 fast_float
3628 fastd
338 fasterxml-oss-parent
9364 fastfetch
3529 fastlz
9365 fatresize
6259 fbrnch
339 fcgi
4126 fcgiwrap
3062 fcitx
3058 fcitx-configtool
3060 fcitx-qt5
5326 fcode-utils
340 fcoe-utils
341 fdk-aac-free
342 fdupes
5554 featherpad
343 fedmsg
2983 fedora-messaging
6103 fedpkg
344 felix-parent
345 felix-utils
346 fence-agents
3526 fennel
3709 fernflower
347 festival
348 festival-freebsoft-utils
5100 fetch-crl
349 fetchmail
3649 ffcall
350 ffmpeg
9366 ffmpegthumbs
351 fftw
352 fido-device-onboard
3836 figlet
353 file
Packages 1 through 50 of 151 >>>